Clay’s the way…


Ok, here’s the truth. Your pores are not going to get smaller with creams, lotions and potions. The only way they can be reduced in size is to be blasted. By laser treatments, that is.

Other than that, you can use products to ensure that your pores are nice and squeaky clean. This gives the illusion of smaller pores. Just do this simple experiment. Take a piece of tissue and blot as much “facial oil” as you can from your pore-blematic areas. Check in the mirror and you should see your pores look visibly less visible.

I have oily skin and it’s a common two-in-one deal from nature that it should be accompanied by enlarged visible pores. I had tried almost every product out there that claims to target pores. Sadly, most remained as claims. Recently, however, I discovered Wonder Pore Clay Clear from Etude House and it has given me a glimmer of hope. This product is a clay mask that is used specifically on areas with enlarged pores.

To use the product, take the spatula that comes with the product and scoop a teaspoon worth of clay on your palm. Apply it to the desired area with your fingertips on your cleansed face that is still slightly damp. Gently spread the clay out into a thin layer over the area. Now, go read a book, or play a round or two of 4 Pics 1 Word, or do whatever that you can think of that will consume 10 minutes of your time. When that time’s up or when you can see that the wet clay has dried to a matte grey, rinse off the product with some mild warm water. Voila! Your pores should now look much smaller. Ok, less visible actually, as explained earlier. Apply some gentle astringent to the treated areas, and finish with the rest of your skincare routine.

Do this once a week if you have mildly oily skin and twice to three times a week if your skin is hyper-oily. If you are doing this treatment frequently, do space them out with a day of break in between so as not to over-cleanse your skin and cause irritation.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and your pores aren’t going to just look smaller and stay smaller with just one treatment. Diligently keep your pores clean so they continue to stay less visible, and more importantly, not get clogged and cause you much bigger problems later.